Discussion Groups & Takeaways

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
2:10 PM – 
3:10 PM

Now what? In true HERO fashion, we will provide an opportunity for small group discussions to reflect on what we've learned from the experts, synthesize learnings, and identify how it can be applied within our organizations. Skilled facilitators will take each group through a process of dynamic discovery for real-world application.

Learning Objectives
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
  1. Describe three key learnings from previous sessions on systemic change for workforce mental health.
  2. Identify levers of influence to impact change within organizations.
  3. Name two strategies that can be implemented within their organization.
Colleen Saringer
CS Culture Consulting Services
swayze_philip_2.2022_web (3) (1)
HUB International in New England
HERO Workforce Mental Health & Well-Being Committee
Valeria Tivnan
IMA Financial Group
Merrimack College