Closing General Session: Can You Hear Me Now? The Importance of Employee Feedback

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
3:30 PM – 
4:30 PM

The U.S. Surgeon General's Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being calling attention to the role of the worker's voice in cultivating a mentally safe work environment. Unfortunately, organizations continue to rely heavily on surveys, and overlook the importance of direct, boots-on-the-ground verbal conversations. Backed by peer-reviewed research, we’ll examine how verbal dialogue can uncover, and provide solutions to, many of the mental health challenges workplaces face today. We'll then hear from a panel of employees, made up of four of our five generations in today's workplace, who will share firsthand experiences and insights on what they need from their employers to support their mental health at work.

Learning Objectives
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
  1. State one to three reasons why fostering open communication enhances psychological safety, reduces stress, and strengthens engagement.
  2. State one to three reasons why the absence of the employee voice negatively impacts the employee, therefore business outcomes.
  3. Gain insight into how different generations define mental health at work, how they experience speaking up in the workplace, and the impact their voice has and/or could have on bettering their work, workplace and mental health.
Colleen Saringer
CS Culture Consulting Services