The Impact of Mental Health Disorders on Workplace Productivity and Employer Strategies

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
11:00 AM – 
12:00 PM

Mental Health is an integral part of employee overall well-being. It can affect not only physical health, but also workplace performance. Mental health issues can lead to reduced productivity, poor communication, and social withdrawal. By prioritizing mental health in the workplace, employees can flourish, and businesses thrive. Developing a plan to assist employees involves analyzing the medical and pharmacy data, productivity/presenteeism/absenteeism data, organizational impact, and cost trends. Learning how to create a culture and strategies where employees feel safe and supported is a meaningful step to preventing small problems from escalating into larger issues. Healthier and happier employees positively impact both employee retention and workforce productivity.

Learning Objectives
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
  1. Develop a holistic well-being strategy that includes mental health that
    removes barriers and silos
  2. Develop key measures and systems to monitor mental health
  3. Engage leaders in active ownership of mental health measures in the
Andy Crighton
Crighton Consulting Group